Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Winner Is...

The Winner of the LVH Celebrity Look-Alike Contest is Jeremy Cooper as Chuck Norris!

Give your congratulations to Jeremy, just watch out for his round-house kick reaction!

Congratulations to all of our contestants, and thank you to everybody who voted.

Here's a final breakdown of the scoring

  1. Jeremy Cooper as Chuck Norris - 27 Votes
  2. Emily Lechner, R.N., as Ashley Olsen - 19 Votes
  3. Susan Hoffman as Sally Field - 11 Votes
  4. Stephen Montagner as Michael Gross - 11 Votes
  5. Andy Cook as Richard Dreyfuss - 7 Votes
  6. Fred Ackler as Pete Townshend - 6 Votes
  7. Mona Serfass, R.N., as Meredith Baxter - 4 Votes
  8. Bethany Yanusko, R.N., as Britney Spears - 1 Vote

Total Votes - 86

Friday, December 14, 2007

Choose Your Favorite Celebrity Look-alike!

Does Richard Dreyfuss' look-alike Andy Cook have you screaming, “Shark?” Do you want to start singing a Britney Spears song when you see Bethany Yanusho, R.N., dancing in the hall? When you spot Fred Ackler, a.k.a. our Pete Townshend, do you hear a great guitar solo? If so, cast your vote for that colleague or one of the others you think really captures the essence of their look-alike celebrity.

Stephen Montagner as Michael Gross
Mona Serfass, R.N., as Meredith Baxter

Bethany Yanusko, R.N., as Britney Spears

Andy Cook as Richard Dreyfuss

Emily Lechner, R.N., as Ashley Olsen

Fred Ackler as Pete Townshend

Jeremy Cooper as Chuck Norris

Susan Hoffman as Sally Field